Get Your Garden Ready for Summer: A Family-Friendly Haven

Picture of by Catherine Williams

by Catherine Williams

The Garden Lady of Gloucestershire


Summer is a magical time in the garden. With flowers bursting into vibrant blooms and plants flaunting their fresh, young leaves, it’s the perfect season to enjoy the great outdoors.

Long, warm days invite us to dive into garden projects and create a space where beautiful memories are made. Let’s explore how to get your garden ready for summer, making it a delightful retreat for the whole family.


Who Will Use the Garden? When planning your garden, consider who will use it. A well-thought-out garden can cater to everyone – kids, adults, teenagers, and even pets.

Kid-Friendly Spaces: If you have young children, a kickabout lawn is essential for playtime. Create a practical hard space for outdoor dining with a table and chairs where the whole family can gather. For teenagers, consider an outdoor office space that doubles as a weekend den. Engaging kids in garden projects ensures they’re more likely to use and enjoy the space.

Zoning Your Garden: In a large garden, designate different zones to cater to various activities. Kids can have a dedicated play area where they can run riot, while adults enjoy a comfortable spot to relax with a drink. For younger children, keep play areas near the house so you can keep an eye on them. Teenagers often appreciate a bit more privacy, so consider creating a secluded spot for them.

Creating Playful Elements: A simple wooden swing tied with rope can be a timeless favorite for children. Any form of a den, whether a pop-up tent, a wendy house, or a tree house, is sure to be a child magnet. Remember, if kids help plan, they’re more likely to cherish and use the outdoor space.


Three Must-Have Plants for Summer:

1. Tulips: Tulips offer a burst of color that signifies the arrival of spring and summer. Their vibrant hues and elegant shapes add a cheerful touch to any garden, making them a must-have for those looking to brighten their outdoor space.

2. Convallaria (Lily-of-the-Valley): Known for its delicate, bell-shaped flowers and sweet fragrance, Lily-of-the-Valley is a charming addition to the garden. This perennial thrives in shaded areas, providing a lush, green ground cover adorned with beautiful white blooms.

3. Dicentra (Bleeding Heart): Bleeding Hearts are beloved for their unique heart-shaped flowers that dangle gracefully from arching stems. They prefer cooler, shady spots and bring a whimsical, romantic feel to the garden with their pink and white blossoms.

Your garden is more than just a collection of plants; it’s a space where memories are made and joy is shared. With a bit of imagination and planning, you can create a garden that delights all ages and serves as a beautiful backdrop for family fun.

If you’re interested in getting your garden ready for summer and need a helping hand with planting ideas or layout planning, please get in touch – Catherine, the Garden Lady, is here to help.

Let’s make your garden a magical place this summer! 🌸🌿 #SummerGarden #FamilyFriendlyGarden #GardenPlanning

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