5 things you can do in the garden with your kids

Picture of by Catherine Williams

by Catherine Williams

The Garden Lady of Gloucestershire


Gardening is a wonderful way to spend time with your kids and teach them about the natural world around them. Not only does it promote outdoor activity, but it also instils a love for nature and the environment. As an expert gardener, I’m excited to share five fun things you can do in the garden with your kids.

Plant a garden together

  1. Planting a garden is a great way to teach your kids about the different types of plants, how they grow, and how to take care of them. Start by choosing a few plants that are easy to grow, such as tomatoes, lettuce, or sunflowers. Have your kids help you dig the holes, plant the seeds or seedlings, and water the plants. As the plants grow, you can teach them how to care for them, such as watering, weeding, and harvesting.

Build a fairy garden

  1. Kids love fairy tales, and what better way to bring the magic to life than by creating a fairy garden? You can use a large container or a small area in your garden to create a miniature world of magic and wonder. Have your kids help you choose the plants and decorations, such as tiny houses, bridges, and miniature animals. As you create the fairy garden together, you can tell stories about the fairies and their adventures in the garden.

Make a birdhouse

  1. Birds are important pollinators in the garden, and building a birdhouse is a great way to attract them to your yard. You can purchase a birdhouse kit or build one from scratch using materials such as wood, nails, and paint. Have your kids help you build the birdhouse and paint it with bright colours. As you hang it up in the garden, you can teach your kids about the different types of birds and their behaviours.

Create a worm bin

  1. Worms are an essential part of the garden ecosystem and help to improve soil health. You can create a worm bin with your kids using a plastic container and some soil. Have your kids help you add the soil, water, and worms to the container. As the worms eat the food scraps and produce nutrient-rich compost, you can teach your kids about the importance of composting and how it helps the garden.

Paint garden rocks

  1. Painting garden rocks is a fun and creative activity that your kids will love. You can collect smooth rocks from your garden or purchase them from a craft store. Have your kids help you paint the rocks with bright colours and designs. As you place the rocks in the garden, you can use them to label the different plants or create a fun garden decoration.

Pond in your garden

“When I was little we had a pond in our garden which brought great excitement. Late winter to early spring I looked out for the frogs and their frogspawn, which is a jelly-like mass. With my brothers we would watch with anticipation how the tadpoles would grow and change, sometimes we would fill an old fish tank with the tadpoles in the pond water just o be able to keep them safe and watch more closely.

My father always encouraged us to feed the tadpoles with tiny bits of raw mincemeat and they loved it. Once they started developing and had grow their legs and tales “froglets” we’d put them safely back in the pond to keep on growing. From something that was so small to then grow into a large frog or toad was simply amazing and kept us busy for hours.”

Gardening with your kids is a fun and rewarding activity that can teach them about the natural world around them. By planting a garden together, building a fairy garden, making a birdhouse, creating a worm bin, or even painting garden rocks, you can create lasting memories and instil a love for nature and the environment in your kids.

If you want any advice about helping your garden be more child friendly or want to know what plants will work best with active young children then please get in touch, Catherine The Garden Lady is a plant expert and what she doesn’t know about garden design and plants is not worth knowing, so click the link here and get in touch!

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